Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Secret Passion of Simon Blackwell by Samantha James

The Secret Passion of Simon Blackwell by Samantha James (also on Vox)

I think this may have been my first Samantha James book. I got this from the library because of the back cover:

"A cruel twist of fate changed Simon [something something] irreparably. A man of intense passion [something something] to deny his emotions and desires [something something]. An intoxicatingly beautiful [something something] Annabel knows nothing of Simon's secret pain."

The reason the above back cover blurb is incomplete and full of s is because the library, in its infinite wisdom, always always always puts the sticker in such a position that prevents its patrons reading the back blurb in its entirety. You have to have some deductive skills to figure out what the book is about! So from the parts I could read, it sounded like a book I might enjoy, with intense passions, intoxicating beauties, and secret pain! Alas, it is not so. While the book was an enjoyable read, I wasn't particularly moved. It sounds terrible and I'm probably a bad person, because Simon does have to overcome some painful past issues. But it didn't really grab me for some reason.

Simon comes to London for his aunt's birthday. His first meeting with Annabel is quite hostile because of Simon's misunderstanding of who Annabel is. Annabel doesn't like Simon, yet she is fascinated by him. Because of a single kiss, they are forced to wed. A SINGLE KISS. I think I had issues with this part. I mean, I know this is set during a time period where a couple caught kissing is in big trouble. But somehow I felt that the marriage was too forced upon these two people who are practically strangers, neither of whom are ready. I guess this is the intent - to throw two strangers, who are strongly attracted to each other, together to overcome obstacles and to fall in love. Unfortunately, I just didn't quite buy it this time. I just kept thinking how pissed I would be if I were forced to marry some stranger because of ONE KISS. In any case, Annabel wins everyone over (of course) and Simon, being a typical hero, eventually comes around.

As I said, the book was enjoyable. And I can definitely see potential here. But somehow it just didn't come together for me because I couldn't quite suspend my disbelief (or my inner voice that kept going ... ONE KISS!).

Overall: B.

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