The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger (also on Vox)
I absolutely LOVED this book. Now normally, I read what my husband likes to call "trashy romance novels." I roll my eyes at him because he obviously does not understand that there is more to the romance genre than just the bodice-rippers. But that's a whole other story. Anyway, my point is, he is right in that I do read a lot of romance novels, be it romantic suspese, historical romance, paranormal romance of whatever other category of romance. I very rarely pick up books outside of my normal reading range. But I am so glad I picked up The Time Traveler's Wife, which, while definitely solidly in the fiction category (and potentially something Oprah might put in her bookclub), is still, at the heart of it, all about romance.
This book is the love story of Henry (the time traveler) and Clare (the titular time traveler's wife). I am completely awed by author Audrey Niffenegger's imagination in coming up with such a lovely, unique and complex tale. It must have been so difficult to keep track of the time travels, who knows what at what particular time, who has met whom, what events have occurred or not yet occurred, and then wrapping the whole story up neatly and perfectly. The first time I read the book, I just wanted to get to the end so I find out everything. But now that I'm done, I definitely feel the need to go back and re-read the story again to further appreciate the complexity of it all and how it all ties together.
The story is basically about Henry and Clare, whose lives are so closely intertwined throughout time. Clare first met Henry when she was 6 years old but Henry first met Clare when he was 28 years old. While we get to know Henry and Clare's love for each other, at the same time, we get to know Henry and Clare as individuals. Both Henry and Clare have family issues that give further clarity to who they are. I loved reading about how their relationship developed.
While the book is about Henry the time traveler, time travel is almost an afterthought. We just accept that it happens. But the focus is really on Henry and Clare, their relationship with each other, their relationship with their family and friends, and their relationship with time.
I am recommending this book to my husband to read. Yep, I'm making him read it! And I would love to watch the movie as well. This is one of the most unique and interesting books I've come across in a long time. I give it a solid A!